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Checkbook Summaries

The checkbook summaries located below are copies of the Claims and Officers report presented to and approved by the County Board each meeting. This means the reports run one month behind. For example, if you are looking for January 2012 information, you would have to check the February 2012 Claims and Officers Report.

These reports have a variety of information on them. They include a monthly summary of expenses by line item, various revenue reports, salary information and beginning in December 2013, a listing of the checkbook from the General fund.

Some reports are not on file. For those months that the report can not be partially recreated a note of (Not on file) is placed after the month. If part of the report could be recreated, a note of (Partial) is placed after the month.


December Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
November Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
October Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
September Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
August Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
July Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
June Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
May Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
April Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
March Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
February Checkbook Summary (Not on file)
January Checkbook Summary